The Mixed Up Life

Episode 1 - Introducing Our Show - The Mixed Up Life

February 08, 2023 The Mixed Up Life Season 1 Episode 1

Thanks for joining us on this brand new journey. In this first episode we introduce ourselves and the reason we decided to get this crazy and sometimes kinky podcast started.
Far from ordinary with a dash of extraordinary🍍.
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 The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker's own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of any corporation, company, or employer. Let's get weird. This is the mixed up life. Let's face it. Most podcasts are boring and very few of them get real and raw Will. Are definitely about to change that lifestyle, sex, parenting, relationships, entertaining and living in the moment.

Real raw conversations, the mixed up life. And now your hosts, Adrian and Kim.

Okay, all. So wait, what are we calling this thing? It's our mixed up life. Our mixed up life. Yeah. Okay. All right. Cool. Deal. Our mixed up life. . So who are you? Oh, I'm Adrian . Hi, I'm Adrian. I'm Kim. And we are the Grams. Yeah, the grams. Yes, we are. You still have your last name? Yes, yes I do, but that's okay. Okay, because I'm.

We didn't have to, we didn't care about that. Okay. We're the graves. But you didn't. Yes, but we're still the grams. Okay. So why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself? I'm Adrian and I have two beautiful kids. And a beautiful wife and dude, we just wanna know about you. Just this is part of me who you are.

This is part of me. Yeah. This is how I introduce myself when it comes to like absolute strangers in the world. I go, really? I have, yeah. I have these. Yeah. Because 90% of people that talk about like, Hey, this is what I do for work, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. But I think it's just.  and more does not define me.

No, it doesn't. But I also find it funny that a lot of people's sense of identity has to do with like the people in their lives. Like, so that's why I was like, we just wanna know about you. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well this is me. This is the core of, of who I am. Okay. So, beautiful kids, beautiful wife. Fast forward, uh, I have, I love long walks on the beach.

Candle lit dinner. No, no, no. Um, I consider myself pretty creative in terms of things that I internally like as a person. I love reading. I, I want to read more. I think that's a, a big thing. I love reading. I love video games. I love outdoors types, activities like swimming. And are you just naming things that you did today?

Cross . I like CrossFit. Uh, correction. He loves CrossFit. I just like being healthy in general. I think CrossFit is part of like our family now, who I am as a person. I think I have a lot of charisma. I think I have a lot of charm. Okay. Wow. You used really good descriptors of yourself. Yeah, I think, I think I'm, I, I, yeah, I think.

I'm pretty charming. Uh, . Okay. I'm, I would describe myself as a southern gentleman. What does that mean? Like, I was born and raised in the south, but I think, like, I do all those things. Like I open doors for people and I say, yes, ma'am, and no ma'am. And I, I don't chew with my mouth open, and I don't think that's, I cover

I cover my mouth when I sneeze.

Does that make everyone a southern gentleman, ? No, no, no. I just, I'm saying those are like some of my, you asking who I am as a per, that's who I am as a person. Like I, I, yeah, but you just define a southern gentleman as someone who I routinely do these things though. Uh, yes ma'am. And no ma'am. It's huge holding doors open.

I was about to say holding doors maybe, but opening them. I'm not really sure that you open any. I help people carry heavy things when I see they're unable to. That's not true. Southern gentleman right there. Boom. Is there anything else? Oh, what else? Oh, what do you do for a living? No, I don't. No, they don't need to know what I do for a living.

Well, I guess I can be very general with it. Yes. It's like litigation work. You are introducing yourself. Okay. Even though it doesn't define me, I do litigation work in what industry? They don't need to know all that. Okay. ? Yeah, that's it. Wow. We are, we are doing this podcast for people to have a glimpse of who we really are.

You're not even gonna tell them what industry litigation could just be like it. It could be, yeah, it could be everything. Alright, and insurance. There we go. Okay. Litigation. Why are you afraid that people are gonna judge you because you work? I mean, I don't care. I'm a southern gentleman. I don't, I don't care.

Oh my gosh. You literally described a southern gentleman as someone who like covers their sneezes. You have no clue how many people don't. , and that's scary. I can say people up north cover their sneezers. I watched a guy burp in your face the other day. Oh my God. And where were we at? . In Georgia. Okay. In Georgia.

So, yes. Okay. Um, that's, that's me in a nutshell. That's, I mean, there's a lot more, there's some nuances there, but Yeah. How old are you? I'm 32. Okay. Yes. Very good. Is there anything else? Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia. I was born and raised in Savannah. In Savannah. Well, I say I say Savannah, but that's the closest major city to Sylvania, Georgia.

But why don't you tell me a little bit about Sylvania? Sylvania is, Sylvania is a word for wooded area in German. Seriously? Yeah. That's in, in transit. You've never told me that. Sylvania means. Okay. Wooded area in German . Okay. Sounds good. Uh, very small town. Like how small population? Um, it might be like 2 2800 people now.

28 0 1. I, I think so. Like 20? Yeah. It might be more. It might be more than that now. Okay. So we'll. 28 50. Okay. , it might be more people now. It was, it's, it's really small. And to know if you're technically part of Sylvania or not is very tough cuz you don't know where the line is until you get to Statesboro, which is like 30 minutes

All right, all you need to know. Wooded area. One main street. We had a, you guys have a fountain? We do have a, a really nice sound. Uh, we had a dairy. It closed. You didn't tell me you had a Dairy Queen. It closed. You could have taken me out to Dairy Queen. I think they closed long before , long before I met you.

Uh, that's so sad. I think the McDonald's is still there. Or it may have closed. Y'all had a McDonald's. I see. So you're not that small. If y'all got a McDonald's, that McDonald's, you walk there, you can No, I mean, well, yeah, technically. Okay. See, you can walk anywhere. That's pretty good. All the same. It may have closed.

Huddle house. Okay. Definitely still open. Do you have a Waffle house? No. No. No. Waffle House. That's too fancy. Huddle House open. All right. Is there anything else we should know? You are one of how many children? Three. Okay. I'm the oldest. Okay. And the bestest the most. That should be on the record. The most southern gentleman and southern gentleman.

That's, I mean, that's, do you have a brother or a sister? I have a brother and a sister. Wow, that's impressive. ? No, that's procreation. , . It works like that sometimes. . Okay. Nothing amazing about populating the earth. That happens. Yeah. But you have siblings. Oh, so that's kind of cool. Some people don't have siblings.

Oh yeah. Suppose so. Yeah. See, is there anything else we should know about you that's pr Again, all the nuances I imagine throughout the rest of this you'll find out. So my name is Kim and I am 32 years old. I was born and raised in Worcester, Massachusetts. So I always considered it more like inner city, but it's still like very smart town.

You have very organized. I have to process my thoughts plot. You do this a lot though. So what does that mean? You do like the This is who I am thing. Yeah, a lot. This is who I am. You. It's very organized. Mine. If you notice, mine was like, . Yeah. You lit. You went from like southern gentlemen. No, go continue.

And I had to like, yours is very good though. I had to help like facilitate. You should have went first and then I would've known how to No, that was a lot easier for you to go first so that I could organize my thoughts. Ah, this is the reason why I never go first in anything. Got it. I let people just take the reign.

Okay. Right. Anyways, Worcester, Massachusetts.  lived there till I was about 15 years old and then I spent some time in Washington for a year. Mm-hmm. . And then we moved to Georgia and we've been to Georgia pretty much since. So I went to high school and college here. I am one of two kids, so I away have a little brother.

I have to like go through this timeline of things. As Adrian says, um, well, I'm a parent of two kids, so we do have two kids together.  and Julie. We have two kids together and they're great. I'm married to Adrian. He's an an awesome husband. I don't know where the southern gentleman is. . That's true though.

It's true, but true. I don't know how southern gentlemen it.  is per se, all the way saying that you sneeze into your arm is not exactly, no, but you missed the open the doors and I can't remember, I don't remember the last time you opened the door for me, unless I was like, like, oh, you know, literally today are you talking about because you had to get our child in the car?

That's the opening door for you. Okay. I'm just saying. Alright. Some people wouldn't do that. Cool. I started off as a child life specialist, which taught kids in the hospital or children in the hospital about their diagnoses and their siblings. Um, I did that for about 10 years and then I became a teacher.

So if you think about it, I've been an educator  since I graduated college. Basically what I went to school for. Yeah. But just in a different setting. I love French.  and watermelon. See, now we're getting to the crux of who you are. Yeah. Like this is how my brain works. Okay. I love how he was like, you're so organized in your thoughts, but like, do you mind The job came like at the end.

Yeah. Well, I think that it's nice to know what I do for a living. Well, french fries are the core of who she is.  what? I don't. Should I have like started off the intro, they should have land with that. Yes. I should have said, Hey, my name is Kim. I'm 32 years old, and then I love chocolate cake. And when you think of chocolate cake, think of like that's what they do.

Matilda no one thinks about the Matilda big boy eating cake. Like that's like, like that's like the image whenever someone says I have chocolate cake and I envision.  that kid, like is it the chocolate cake that legit will make Merool and like look at the sweaty lunch lady and be like, it's gonna be okay.

Like, I don't mind eating your sweat because this is so good at moist. If it's moisty. Cause you're sweat . I think your br uh, , I've known you long enough now your brain cut off at the part where it was introduced, where that cake came from. Like, so when the eating part you were like, I'm all for this cake.

You, by the time it got to the lunch lady part , where you realized her literal blood, sweat, and tears went into the cake, your brain had already cut off. My brain's still silent. And you were like, will and you were the cake. The cakes still good. . The cake is still good. Okay. All right. That's who you are as a person.

There you go. Yes. Like just the core of everything is the fact that like at the end of the day, after. , all that is said and done. Life is still good. Even if the blood, sweat, and tears are all up in it, I will take the dirty. That's a good meta. That's a good metaphor to have. I like that. Is that what that's called?

A metaphor? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, no, that's a good one. Very cool. So those are our introductions. That was pretty good. That was not a bad one. Yeah. So I, we decided to do this podcast, um, one because we wanted to spend more time together. , we needed to find something that we, you mean two years at home together during Covid is not enough time.

Together. We've been together longer than two years. But yes, being stuck together,  has, we've, we've been meeting to do a podcast for, no, it's been a long time, Kevin, for a very long time. Yeah. And it wasn't until recently, um, our road trip to Florida where the kids are asleep and it's, I think it's like 10 30 at night.

And we were like, okay, let's talk.  what we wanna do about this podcast and how it's gonna go down. Yeah. Whether or not anyone listens, we don't really know. We're just doing it because I said, if anything, at least we have record that we're doing something together. , I think the, you're right. The being in a car, kids asleep is 10 30 at night.

Us plotting out basically how we want to. Do how we wanna do this, but that's all that we have. We just have like plots and like talking points, right? So we don't actually ha like, and I guess that's, is that how podcasts work? There's not like a real script unless you're like, no, some are very scripted.

Okay, well if my brain doesn't work on scripts, like I need talking points and that's all I need. So that is a reason why we are doing this podcast is just an opportunity for us to spend time together, but also have record. Our lives and I guess our thought process, there's a lot that went into this cuz we've evolved as a, as a couple.

I, here's what I think this is going to be. I think it's going to be a journey, like a discovery piece. Okay. I think that's gonna be like a huge thing. Yeah. I've already learned something that you categorize yourself as a southern gentleman. Yeah. Definitely. See right off the bat, boom. And you consider.

Charming and charismatic. That was, I, I, I, those words popped in my head and I was like, let's use them. Okay. You've never described yourself as that. So I would , I would say so. Dis discovery. So that's one thing I think this is gonna be okay. Right. And not only discovery for us mm-hmm. , but discovery for whoever decides.

Yeah. And I think it's like a, a great chance. I don't think we do a lot of self-reflection until we kind of hear someone else, like sometimes like examine their own lives and then we're kind of like, oh, well I'm kind of, I feel inclined. Do some self-reflection and think about this and how it applies. Now, whether or not you listen, that's fine.

That's up to you. But you're here for a reason, so we're excited or we're glad that you're sitting here with us. I, with the discovery piece, I also think it allows us to have insight into how unique we are sometimes, like maybe in our relationship and as in individuals, but also how similar we are, maybe.

To a lot of people. To a lot of people, yeah. Yeah. So I think we've really, I like this because there's a difference between like laying in bed, talking to you for pillow talk and like actually recording us and like listening to you talk because then I learn like how you introduce yourself. , I don't do often.

I mean, I literally. I don't know. I dunno how I'd feel if I met you for the first time and like you were like, hi, my name is Adrian. I'm charming, and I'm, I would not say I'm charming and I'm, you would charm me. I would charm you. I don't know how you, let's talk about how we met. Okay. Since we, we've already introduced ourselves, so I want you to set the scene of how we met.

Okay. And then I, I will tell my side. Got it. No, I got it. Okay. So it is, You ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Okay. All right. How do I, the right girl? No, it is. Okay. How Don't wanna begin this. Okay. Picture the most boring computer class you could ever be in. I, okay. Okay. It's your story. Yeah. Okay. Let me, it's mine. I'll tell my, my brother.

Okay. Okay. And you decide, you know what? In order to survive or, and or stay awake, you need to somewhat sit in a, in a. , like near the front. Uhhuh. . Okay, so you choose to do so? Mm-hmm.  and through Kismet or some type of fate of the universe, seats are changed. So romantic ex. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Seats are changed.

Somebody doesn't show up. Somebody does. And then this beautiful young lady sits next to you, okay? And.  instead of being the charming, charismatic, southern gentleman that I sh should have been and been like, oh, what's your name? You know, that kind of thing. Like getting like really like just, you know, straight to the point, right.

I go weeks  without asking or knowing anything about her. I also at the time, worked at a bar. I was a bartender and. It took weeks later, seeing her at a bar. Seeing her at a bar, literally leaving the bar. You weren't leaving, you were manning the bar. I was manning it, but leaving it after to ask for a dance and kind of pursue in those type of things.

Oh, okay. Basically a job to the side just for a chance. You are a bartender and it wasn't very busy, but okay, still  money to be made. This is, Hey, this is Ramen. This is Ramen Noodle days. There's a bunch of college students who was paying attention a dollar at a time. , this is Ramen noodle season man. So yeah.

You know, to the side. And then doing that, so then finding out later that she doesn't know my name and that my now. Is extremely racist. Can I, wait, hold on. No, you can't do that. Cause I have to share my side of the story that that's not, I literally asked you how we met. That was not okay. That was enough.

That was it. That's how you met. Tell your version. Okay. So y'all know when you're in college and you go, or any class, right? If you don't have. If you're a high school student, if you're in college, wherever you are, grad school, whatever you wanna say, so you walk into the first day of class. It doesn't matter what class it is, could be a computer class, could be a history class, whatever it is.

You go into class, you pick your seat, and that is your seat for the rest of the semester or forever, how long you have that class. Okay? Okay. It's a rule. I think it's a given rule and I need people to like, no, that's really understand that, but that's legitimate. Yeah. . Okay, so I go into class. This is the second week of class.

There's someone in my seat, and I am not very confrontational. I'm so passive aggressive. So what do I do? I walk past this girl who's sitting in my seat and I go and I keep going. There are no seats anywhere. Of course, his ass has to sit all the way in the front. So I was all the way in the back. There's no other seats available.

And if there were seats, they were all the way in like the inside, so you don't wanna walk past everybody. And Adrian is just sitting there and I was like, okay, no one else is sitting on the left of him. I'll just sit to the right of him. So I sit down or I think maybe someone was to the left cuz I had to squeeze through.

Anyways, I sit down and we don't really say much of anything. I don't think I really noticed. It was pretty casual, like, oh, how was your. Yeah, like, so we started off the first couple of weeks of like, Hey, how was your weekend? Did you have a good time? Like, but it, like what did you do? Very. That was nothing.

Yeah. But the we, um, so we sat together in the front and you're supposed to, in the computer lab, you're supposed to do these like modules, right? And you're following along. And we got in trouble because we were talking while the instructor was like showing us things. And it was my turn to say, Where things go.

And I did not know the answer. And he basically called me out and said like, that's why you don't talk  during instruction. And I was just like, well, shit. Because I, that may have been a few times, actually. It was only once. I only remember once. Okay. But okay.  and then I was like, oh, I was kind of seeing somebody at the time, and so I, I don't pay anyone, any your mind.

When I'm like, kind of, I'm very oblivious, so it's kind of like, oh, okay. That was fun. Like I don't think I was flirtatious or No, no. And you were, see, you were with someone too. I was a southern gentleman. Oh my gosh, I'm not gonna get over this southern gentleman thing. Oh. Was, anyways, so, um, I have, I had roommates and my roommates decided to go to this bar club zone, and it was like, it was Halloween.

That's right. It was like, uh, it was like a costume night. And so I dressed up as, you don't remember this? What did I dress up as? Hold on. Oh, you were dressed that night? Yes, I was dressed that night. Oh. Dang, I, this is gonna be purely, purely a guess, cuz I really don't know. Wow. Okay. This is, this is something like, because I remember that picture.

I still have a picture with my roommate. It doesn't, it doesn't trigger anyone. Okay. What is it? I'm, I'm, what do you think it is? And you're gonna laugh when I talk. Little Red Riding Hood. . I know that's so weird. But it's, I was in Daisy dukes with like, like short boots on and I had this like a cowgirl.

Yeah, I was like a cowgirl. It was the top red. Yes it was. That's why I said little red writing. It was like a, I thought it was like a play on that was like before, like crop tops were a thing and like, I don't even really wear crop tops now, but anyways, so, um, I like got thirsty. Dancing. And I got thirsty and I went to the bar and I may have already had a drink or two because I was being extra friendly because I saw him at the bar and it was automatic, like, Hey, how are you?

And you know what? I came in for a hug and he reciprocated.  was like, so we do know each other. Cool. And then he asked me what I wanted to drink and I was like, I just want. And he didn't make me pay for it. And then come to find out is because someone had paid for water and didn't grab the water bottle.

So while I thought he was being a southern gentleman, don't get, I don't, I don't get  free, free water. It was bottled water. So I feel really special cause I could have went for tap. That's a limited service. So then we go to the dance floor and. To like dance. So we're dancing, we're having a time. And then he said like, Hey, I'm going to this after party.

You should come. And I was like, you know what? That's not a good idea. Like, I'm good. So I go home, y'all  and I, we never exchanged names. So when I met him, I didn't know his name. This is where entered my last comment from my story, my. Is racist. So anyways, so I went back to my room, um, and I like look at the class roster cause I don't know his name.

Hmm. So I like am scrolling through the cast roster. And guys, this is 2009, so Facebook was still like, It's getting popular. Everyone kind of has it. No one really knows what to do with it, but it's, it's there. Yeah. So I start copying and pasting names from the roster to Facebook to see if the faces match up.

well, none of see if the face, none of the is match . And I was getting, I, I ran outta. But I ran outta names cause I couldn't find any more generic black names. Yeah, there was only so many DeMarcus and DeMars and . Marcus and Tyrone's and like really true. Yeah, that's very true. So I ran outta names and.  and then we, oh, and then the next week, so the thing with our computer class was, it was only once a week, so it like once every other week.

So you spend like one week in a smaller class setting and then the next week you're in a lecture hall. Mm-hmm. . Um, and those two class periods are never like the same. Never. Like, I think I had, my lecture hall was different than yours. Mm-hmm.  so. , I had to wait two weeks so that I could find out his name.

So then we sit in class and like he comes to class and I'm like, oh my God, he's alive. I didn't embarrass myself. Like, this is great. So I don't really have the nerve to ask his name because I don't wanna be rude because what if we really, really already exchanged names? Oh, it was like one, right? And then I was.

We've already exchanged names, like I'm gonna be rude, not knowing his name. So he logs into Facebook on his computer. . Y'all get this? I'm floored on my seat because his name is Adrian Graham like, and I was like, , you shouldn't assume what I was like, okay, so now I know his name and then I think I added you on Facebook.

You did? I'm not really sure how I found you cuz I feel like there's a lot of Adrian Graham's, but I think like not back then I was pretty uh, no, but I think I was pretty smart enough to be like Adrian Graham.  Statesboro, Georgia . Only in this town. Yeah, because I was like, it is Georgia Southern. That's kinda true.

And that was it. Pretty much. Yeah. And the hard, that's good. Yeah. But y'all, this was, this was so cheesy, so. Adrian like messaged me back on Facebook and like he, and I wish I saved this, but I, I don't think I could find the conversation anymore. So like, he messaged me on Facebook and he was like, Hey, good seeing you.

And he like sends me the link to his blog and I have no idea, oh, how to even really approach this because it's 2009. And I was like, what is a blog? Like what are you, blogs were big back then. I know. But. I just met you and I don't need to like watch your videos and like do like read your re So I was a little intrigued because I was like, oh, okay.

Like that's kind of nerdy. So anyways, he, we exchanged numbers and he texted me. He was like, Hey, what do you think about swinging online? I'm from the city. So like anything that has to do with like, what did you say? I romanticize things. . So I'm very much like teenage girl, like thinking like you do city girl going into the country and like having fun and you showing me the ropes being your southern gentleman, whatever that means.

That's very true. Our first, literally our first date is the most southern gentleman date you could ever go on. If you look back, and I tell you this story, probably if my parents ever heard this story, I like, I'd be in really big trouble. So basically Adrian said, Hey, what do you think about this? And I was like, cool, pick me up and we'll go.

Well, so I actually sent you a message and I said, , let's go swinging on vines this weekend. It wasn't this weekend. It was like that day you were like, oh, let's go swinging on Vines today. You were like, Hey, like I sent that message. Yes, you did. So you sent me this text message and you go, Hey, let's go. And I'm like, okay, cool.

He pulls up in this pink truck. Okay. It's not pink. It was fuchsia. Fuchsia. I'm so sorry. No, we're not. No, it was, it wasn't maroon, it was FIUs. And 1992 F-150 FLA size. Fusia. And. Rolled off the factory that way, by the way. Okay. Anyways, okay. So he just gotta get away, see up in this thing. And his friend Matt, is in the car.

So there's two guys in a truck pulling up to my apartment and they're like, Hey, you ready? And I'm like, okay. I hop in. I am from Atlanta, so I don't know. And like the outskirts of Atlanta. So, but still, when I moved in into Georgia Southern, I didn't go past the Walmart. So when I get into the, looking back hindsight, that was a bit a bad idea.

Yes. It was terrible. Thank goodness that you guys were real like southern gentlemen. Dear God, like y'all, they passed by the Walmart and after the Walmart, And after the car, dude, there's nothing. Not only there's nothing, there are like cotton fields, so they could've just like, all I know, there's nothing out there.

Like just talked trees on the side of the road for all I like. So anyways, we meet up and I remember sitting in the car next to you mm-hmm. And I said to myself like, this could never be a thing. Like, it's not gonna be a problem. Like he, one, he's. Never happening. Two, he is so hairy. Absolutely not like he, you know, when you're wearing ripped jeans, like it's 2009, like ripped jeans are a thing and there's like this hole on your thigh and it's just hair.

Like it's just hair. And I was like, I, I couldn't even imagine like there. So much hair and I can't, it's because I can't even stand my own hair and you know that like I brush my hair and I literally pick up all of my hair, all these, all these stuffs. But yeah, you're still riding. And here I am. I was like, you know what, we're just gonna be friends.

It's gonna be fine. And Matt's super friendly, so like, you know, it still riding, so we're still riding. We pull up and I have never. Such a small house on such, like a big plot of land and it's just grass. And they just go, all right, come on out, let's get, and then I meet like Matt's brothers, and Matt has like 2 0 3 brothers, three other brothers at the time that were there.

So there's John, and then Nick and Chris and I meet all of them and everybody's like, all right, let's ride, let's go. And they're hopping in the back of the truck, like, it's like the truck bed, like it's like an everyday thing. So I'm like, all right, it's still, still go, oh, I met Mama Anderson that day. She has not seen a, a girl come out to the house, I think in like ever.

No, because she has like five boys. Yeah. They don't exist out there. Yeah. So, and, and I'm Asian, so , so I walk in and she is this the, the sweetest little white woman ever. And she, so. Yes. You randomly hop in the truck. You go out in the country. The country of country. So anyways, they put on, we go into the woods, they put on these helmets, these motorcycle helmets, and they are literally swinging on.

This is the cool part. Okay? So this is what you do. All right? If you ever in southern Georgia, it, it, it is just the time of the year. If you find the. Pine trees. Trees in general, and you see the vines, they usually grow like really thick. You wanna find that one that wraps around that tree, just perfectly unwrap it just a little bit.

Give it like a couple of hard tugs to make sure it's not, but there are a couple of times that you tugged and it just fell off.  snaps. Absolute. That's, well, I've learned my lesson. Like you get the vine and then you start swinging and it just immediate goes. No, you do the tug. You. Okay. So I've learned.

Okay. All right. Secondly, I've learned head protection is equally important. Yes. Okay. Protecting your No. So you get whatever type of helmet, bicycle, helmets work sometimes, but it won't protect this part of your face. All right. You're a money maker. . So we found, figured it comes a class. We, no, no. That was a different

We found that the motocross or motorcycle helmets work best cuz it covers your full, it's like after trial and error. Yeah, it is. Okay. It covers your full face. So then not you want to do that and then you want to find leverage to swing.  from wherever. Yeah. On that vine. It's just like a Tarzan thing. Like you just, you swing and then you find a stopping point and you, you're done.

So I'm out there with them and it was, it is a good time. I did not swing on the vines. It was great watching them. But then I started getting worried about just being in the woods in general for that long, um, they were like bugs and it was getting cold. So then Adrian drove me to go meet his, his grand.

Or I think you had to stop by. So it was just on the way. Yeah, it was on the way. So I'm like walking in and I think his Mimi automatically assumed that I was like the new girlfriend, but y'all, I walk into this house and his pictures are everywhere, and he literally went to all four proms. , like all four, and they're just all displayed out there

So there's no way that this, there is no way that I'm like the first girl that they have met, but I will give myself credit that I'm the first girl they've met that's like Asian. So like I'm walking in, I swear. I think like your, did your grandfather serve? Yeah. In Vietnam? No, not in Vietnam. Okay. I was about to say like, I felt.

Like papa, like went down memory lane. No seeing, like, no, this little Vietnamese girl come in. But anyways, his Mimi was really sweet and it was really awkward because we weren't a thing or anything. But like your Mimi like, was like, I didn't even introduce you as that either. You didn't have to Your Mimi just assume that like an assumption.

Yeah. And your, your papa was said the same thing. He was just like, oh wow. He, he brought you here. And then I was. . Mm-hmm. . I, it was on the way back . That's how we met guys. That's a pretty good, yeah, that's a pretty good synopsis of how we met slash first date ish. Oh, our first date. I wouldn't call that first date, though.

That's not our first date. We'll recap. First date. Yeah. Yeah. So then you fast forward 13 years. . Good. Good. Yeah. See, I'm going see getting there. Okay. Fast forward 13 years, two kids. Two dogs. Two dogs a house and a whole lot of stuff that happened over those. Yes. 13 years. Mm-hmm. , and we'll dive more into that, but that's basically the introduction of just us.

That's a pretty guy. That's solid. That's probably like one of the best US introductions we've ever given. Well, uh, yeah. I. , like strangers ask us sometimes and we give like a very like short version of that. I feel like when I give them my version of how we met, like it's, I would think that the automatic thing that you think of is like, oh my gosh, this girl is like she's racist.

No, I don't think that. I don't think, cause there's a lot of in between and I think it's like racist, but I think. . It's like, it's like if I met like a, there's a lot John Smith and they go, oh my God, what does she think of me? I'm like, she's trying to find me . No. Uh, yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yep. So, but you kind of have a glimpse of who we are.

Kind of, kind of, yeah. But there's a lot more to us, and I think like as we continue.  into the episodes, you'll kind of learn more a lot more. So if you, if you stay along, like great. If you follow along and you kind of listen in and you'll be able to, I think you'll learn a lot. Yeah. Well, not only about us, but maybe yourself too.

Maybe because I know we're still learning, so I'd love to hear if you wanna share with us like your stories. Yeah, I'm sure there's other stories in there. Um, oh my goodness. Better ones than we.  and how you met your loved ones, but like, give me like the good juicy details. Like, you know, like, I, I wanna know, I, I am such a, nope.

Like I romanticize everything. Like, I just think everything should be a love story. But AJ will tell you I have like, I want everything to be a love story, but I never. . I never do anything that's romantic, but yet I love it. What  No, that's true. That's really true. Like for someone that watches all the romantic, and I don't, I don't romanticize anything, but I do romantic things.

What does that, you know what I mean? Yeah, I guess so. See, there you are. That's good. Good job, huh? Good job. Alright. Thank you for tuning in to the Mixed Up Live, subscribe and chat with us on Instagram and make sure to follow the adventures on Spotify or wherever you get your podcast.