The Mixed Up Life

Episode 2 - The Mixed Up ToyBox - Real Conversation

February 09, 2023 The Mixed Up Life Season 1 Episode 2

Welcome back to the brand new Episode 2 of the Mixed Up Life Podcast.
In this Episode, We explore some of our favorites from the toy box and dive into some exciting personal stories. When it’s play time, toys are not only allowed…they are welcomed. Far from ordinary with a dash of extraordinary🍍. Follow us as we navigate this Mixed Up Life. 😉 subscribe and follow the adventures & real raw conversations
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 The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker's own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of any corporation, company, or employer. Let's get weird. This is the mixed up life. Let's face it. Most podcasts are boring and very few of them get real and raw Will. Are definitely about to change that lifestyle, sex, parenting, relationships, entertaining and living in the moment.

Real raw conversations, the mixed up life. And now your hosts, Adrian and Kim.

Go ahead, Ms. Th what are we going ahead about? I don't know. This is your, your topic cuz I think I did like all the other ones. No, you didn't. I gave you the topics for the last couple of ones. Mm-hmm. . Nope. Totally did every one of 'em. Matter of fact, I read like a, the questions and everything. Yeah. Because I prompted you anyways.

Hi friends. So I refer to everyone just like friends. So it's like a conversation with. But I'm Kim. This is Adrian. Yeah. So welcome to the Mixed Up life. We have not done our podcast in a very long time. Yeah, it's been a while. Life's been busy. Life has been really busy. Um, not a bad way, in a good way. No it hasn't.

Just a couple of life updates are our daughters in kindergarten. Really? Yep. We have a one year old. Yep. Officially one. Yep. So it's been fun. And tomorrow we are celebrating nine years of. Oh my goodness. It's been nine years. It has 13 years long. I'm sure it hasn't been like 30. No, I don't feel like it's been that long.

Okay. And if it has been 30, I've been aging really well. . Yeah, we've not, we're not you better than me, but we've not been doing bad, that's for sure. So today's podcast, we wanted to talk about sex toys and enhancement creams and lubricants that we've used in the bedroom. You're the subject matter expert.

Pretty much all of this, I am just the consummate observer of, of the effects of all of these things. So to kind of give you some background, I think it was Covid and we were stuck in the house. And yes, I said, Hey, I just participated in this Pure Romance. Session. Okay. And she, oh, she was doing a live sale session and it was really fun and it was really cool to watch.

But you know, I've never really used toys other than maybe like sea rings or cock rings is what they call it. Yeah. And so I was like, I don't know how I feel about utilizing toys and then let alone like toys that like go in me and how I feel about that. Yeah. I'm gonna introduce you to two toys that I'm pretty open to using.

Uh, we are open to using. Yeah. And then I'll tell you, I'll show you how it works, and then Adrian will tell you how he feels about it.  real life breakdown of, of what it is. Yes. All right. Go ahead. I'll, I'll, I'll give you my honest, so this is just one touch. Okay. These are all Pure Romance products. It's just so that it's easy for you to purchase if you were interested in it, and we'll post it.

Like the link and stuff for you. So I'm hoping that I can at least turn it on. That would probably be helpful. Okay. So the thing with this one, just one touch is very sensitive in a sense that like it has to touch your body in order for it to vibrate. That's a cool feature actually. It is a really cool feature because you don't want to be, so, one thing that's really annoying, and I gotta say this before you even start, because that's how great that feature is, the fact that it has to touch you to move.

Yeah. Crazy good. Mm-hmm. . Cause let's say you're not using the toy and it's like off to the side. Yes. There's nothing more annoying than fumbling around trying to turn it off on, et cetera. That's true. And it's like, I never really thought about that. And it's like buzzing, you know, next to you. Yeah, as you're doing something else, right?

That's true. That's true. So what, that's a great feature right off the bat. So just one touch and it has like different speeds that you can kind of use. So like pulses and then the constant speed. It's really soft and it's pretty easy to handle, like you have a really good handle on it. This doesn't go inside you, it's just for external pleasures.

But I feel like it's really useful only in a sense that it has to touch something. When he's on top or I like, I'm in doggy, I can actually like reach back and touch him like right underneath his balls and that seems to give him a little, it's fantastic. Like it's, it's nice pickles. With pickles. It's fantastic.

Yeah. This one I would say like, so for the wand style of toys, this is probably like probably my, Okay. Like I love a wand because it's just so accessible. Like I can grab it, I can, you know Yeah. Play with you. It's pretty flexible in a sense, like if you can see it so it bends like with it and it's completely waterproof, so you can go in the shower or you can submerge it because the charging part of it is kind of hidden almost.

So, so there. So that is just one touch. Okay. I'm about to show you my favorite toy. Oh, this is your favorite one? Yes. This is, I say a wand is my favorite. I like the wand, but for individual pleasures as women. Okay. Oh, of course. Yeah. Solo play. Of course. This is my favorite and I'll have, we'll have to share a funny story with this one.

So, This one has. Okay, so what is this one called? Oh my gosh. Okay. Do you have the name of it? I know it's my favorite though. It is literally my favorite and the fact that like, I can't remember what it's called, is like gonna drive me as crazy. That's I will close. Crazy. Yeah. Yes. But it has different features, so.

There's this right here that goes inside and this is supposed to hit your GS spot, apparently, and then this is supposed to hit your clip while it's inside of here. This like, not even apparently you're saying apparently like it doesn't No watch. I will show you. So here we go. And it has different speeds and I love going in and I have like some hair on here.

Sorry. So like this is probably my favorite right here just because, and it's like literally vibrating my hair, my hand right now. But so like if you go and there's different pulses, so it's supposed to mimic like a tongue. Which is great at the high speed, my tongue would fall outta my mouth doing that.

Yeah, I suppose, I mean this is, there's different like features and speeds on here of course, but this is my favorite toy. What's the, okay, so what's the thing called? Like that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. I don't know, whatever it's called. Yeah. I've lit you so hard one time, like and so fast that I like had to recover because of the bottom.

You had to recover the bottom of my . So was off with . The bottom of my tongue was like, I had no idea. You never told me that. Yeah. I was like, wow. So speaking of tears, so this, I guess one day we were being really adventurous and. , is it considered double fisting? Almost double penetration for sure. Okay, so DP with your toy?

Yeah. Okay, so not . Well, no. Technically dv. Not dp. What DP would, it would have to be your ass involved I think. Oh, okay. Anyways, so, so don't imagine we had this and then we had him inside as well and it felt really good because it was like stimulation. It was fantastic. On the clip and then inside, and then you inside.

It was nice, tight, snug, and we were, so first off, we took our time. Like we definitely worked up to that. Yeah, like it was, it was a long session, but I think we probably went a little too.  that time, like we got out of ourselves because I tore . It was by the way I've had is my, I've had, I've had C-sections, so with both kids, so I never know what it meant to tear.

So even like the slightest hair, thank goodness. I was like, you know, I have recovery mode. That's okay. Yeah, I know. But it didn't last that long, man. It made me think of my, it's like. Four days. My fellow friends, like, oh, other women who like really tore. It was really sad. Okay, anyways, then we're going on to enhancement creams.

Now, this is my favorite. It is called O and it's it's small. Okay, but you only need a dime, just a little bit on whatever area. Not even that you want it. I usually use. On like my cl. Yeah. Um, but you gotta give it maybe like 30 seconds. This is seconds or minutes? No, no. This is the prep before. It's like prep.

It's prep before. So like if you know foreplay involved, maybe like a good make session, then just kind of put this on, let it sit there for a little bit. You'll be more than ready to go by the time. Yes. For place. Yeah. So this is called an enhancement cream and is my, Adrian's favorite. This is my favorite is the Sensations Lube.

Oh yeah. Because It'ss Pineapple Paradise and he loves pineapple. I like pineapple flavored anything. So that's how ironic is it that we're in the lifestyle and my husband loves pineapple. It's good. I mean it's, it's a warming Lu Kim, which is really nice. And you can also use it during oral, which is super nice part and the best part, so this is sensations and this is a lube.

What I like about that one though is, , even though it's like a warming thing, and of course you can use a or and you taste the pineapple and stuff like that. Yeah. It's not like you get an uncomfortable, warm feeling. Mm-hmm.  in your mouth. That's true. Speaking of, so mouth. Oh yeah. Okay. This product right here is called Great Head Tall, I swear by this stuff.

Okay. So , believe it or not, I was never a fan. Providing Oral ? I don't think, it's not that you were a fan. I think it was, it wasn't enjoyable. It wasn't anything that I was like, it's a challenge in the challenge wasn't, or the, okay. Anyways, this is great. Okay. Because it kind of coats the back of your, like the gag reflex that you have.

Yes. So you can really deep throat it. I swear by this.  and a lot of my friends have, as well, many women have said that this has helped them provide oral pleasures. Um, as, and it's, um, strawberry flavored. I will say this, which is even better because dick tastes like nothing.  You didn't deep throat until you discovered it.

Yes, exactly. Yeah. So that was like a, but now I can do it without it, without . I've had some practice. I've been having a little bit of practice history. Yes I have. Alright, so that's been great. No, that's some good stuff. Laugh Lube is just like me. This is a watermelon flavored lube, but this is actually for my sensitive ladies.

So if you have like a pH balance issue or if you're like, Super sensitive. This is a really great lube cuz it doesn't have anything, um, that will react to you. It's just a lubricant and it's called Just Like Me. So it's supposed to Is that water? Is that water based? Yeah. So it's, it's water based and it's supposed to really.

A compliment for you. For, for you to use. Yeah. And it's not, it's not like really enhancing, but it's just, again, it's just a lubricant, which is really nice. And we learned that like you can use lube and there's nothing wrong with that. No girl, listen, lube is, should be plentiful. Like I've, I've told you many times, like with some of our favorite.

I wish I had a big thing so I can just like hand pump. Oh, Adrian, oh, I had this great idea. So here's what I wanna do. I want to get one of those. You go to the bathroom and you know you don't wanna touch anything. So you like put your hand under there and goes zz, and you know you got whatever I want one of those.

An automated ha like soaked dispenser but loose. No, Adrian, he didn't even want it automated. So you know when you go. To the hotels and they have all the shampoo and conditioner and body wash and this like, that's some multiple things, like three pumps. That's so good. Adrian wants it like, Stuck on our nightstand so he can just pump, just boom.

Not even like lotion for pleasure for himself. Cuz he . I don't really, yeah, he doesn't do that. But like, just having lubricant on hand, like, just be like, hey, like we don't, I'm just, I think it's so practical to not, you don't wanna fumble around. You wanna be organized. Like sex is that one thing, right, where you enter into the arena and you want to.

As prepared as possible. I love that you talk like this cuz he was just complaining about how my life is organized and everything. Like my Yes. Work. Yes. Uh, our kids. Anything that has to do with our kids. Any planning of anything. Our house is super organized, but when it comes to my sex life is chaos.

Well, I think, I think there's a, there's a beauty in there, right? , that's the one thing you, you feel like you don't have to plan because it's just a, it's a natural space. Like it's, we do have natural, it's very, you know, it's very comfortable. But I think for, for me, I like the ability to transition very easily into things.

So like there's nights you've done like the prep. I've seen you do the prep work where it's like your toys are laid out, like you're very like psychopath with it. Like you just like laid out all the toys. It's like this one, this one, this one. And then the lube is laid out. This one, this one, this one. I'm like, Okay, we're, this is gonna be a long night.

Like I can see that. But then of course, like when quickies are like just random sessions and it's like, no, no pre-work whatsoever. It is literally like, I'm fucking you. And then you can be like, don't get outta me. And then you're reaching for. Oh, and you come with me. Yeah. And I have to, I have to come with you cause I don't wanna stop fucking you and then you don't want me to stop fucking you.

So you're reaching for whatever you, you wanna reach for. Mm-hmm. . Now I almost preempt that process and I'll be like, I'm, I know where it is, so I'm grabbing it. Yes. So what, the dispenser thing, I think it's Jean. I actually, I won't, I need to patent that now that I think about it. I don't think you can. I think I can, but it's like, it's the shampoo and conditioner, body wash dispenser.

It's shampoo and conditioner are a little bit different. I want to, I wanna fancy it up and make it, make it a little bit better. Okay. For, for, for my spicy peoples out there. Spicy people. Yeah. I like that. Don't take that. Yes. Boom. Okay. It's coming soon. Cumming. What, what would you call it? Cuming. The Spicer?

No. Coming soon.

Okay. Idea? Yeah. You just have let the label on it. Pretty good. Says coming soon. Okay. Cool. Boom. Did you have anything else you wanna add? Uh, for the toy? No, I think that's, I didn't know that was like your favorite toy. I mean, favorite solo toy. I can definitely see that. Yes. Favorite solo toy? Yes. I have other toys that I like to use.

The, the one though, I think is just like,  versatile because like I can use it on you comfortably. Like I can hold it while doing things like, yes. In doggy. I think it's like the best. It's called the main attraction. There you go. I knew it coming back . I knew it happened. I was like, it's called the main attraction.

I've had this toy for three years now it's rechargeable. You can submerge it in water. You can go take a bath. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I have done that. You know what I like about, about toys? Does it intimidate you? Not at all. And as a matter of fact, I like toys for you and I, I think toys really work well in relationships in this way.

Self-exploration is the only way for you to know what you like. True, right? Mm-hmm. , because otherwise, it's just like we, most people can have sex, and it's kind of just like a, it's you get when you get to the end of it, then you start going, okay, I like this, or I don't like this. And depending on. Part of the relationship you're in, you may or may not communicate those things, but when you experiment by yourself with toys, you enter into whatever that next experience is.

Knowing a little bit more, I think that for me it's just really awkward. Like in the beginning to use toys on myself. One, I've never masturbated one, I'm not a huge person on fingers in general. Yeah. You didn't open up until finger, like recently. Yeah. So finger play is not my thing and that's okay. It's it's not, I, I would have to say for some women it's not.

Yeah. So I think it's just a matter of taking the risk, it's experimentation at its best it. It is like you really, you're not, unless you're doing something like crazy, but yes, general toys, wands and, and you know, vibrates. But I think, like for me, my thing about it is it's so. Taboo in general, but it's super taboo in the Asian community.

Oh yeah. Yeah. So like I think, uh, I didn't, my mom had gone into my nightstand once and she was looking for socks. So it's my underwear and my sock drawer that is like part of my nightstand. I didn't know this. And so she comes into the house and she goes, I need socks. And I was like, okay. But before I could even tell her a socks are in the bottom drawer, she opens up my top one and then she looks and.

I swear my mother's face turned so red, but she said nothing. She just kind of was like, she didn't say anything to you. She was like, oh, okay. And then she got her socks and she went on her merry way. But I feel like just in general, like toys, lubes, enhancement creams are, I, I wonder if marriages would be more, it would compliment people's marriages, and I think, I believe so that people who don't open up to it or who aren't willing to explore that, at least just try it once.

You don't even have to go into like extremes of toys, like try something new and see if you like it. It makes it more exciting. Agree, and I think it's also something to look forward to. , like your one-on-one time with your spouse. So I mean, even if you wanna just do solo play, like you have something to look forward to.

I just, I honestly think that that is so you, you think about yourself as you know, and I, it's taboo as it is and a lot of people don't talk about it, but like when you become sexually of age, You know, 99% of the population is like masturbation is probably the way you're gonna experience something by yourself before you experience with somebody else.

Usually that's, that's usually the path. That's true. And when it comes to that, that experimentation is just so vital because you learn a lot about yourself, your likes, your dislikes, all of that. All, I didn't know any of this until. Like we started exploring ourselves. For sure. For sure. And, and I think it's also, you know, that comedian that was talking about , how.

I want you to do it like Craig, I want you to do it like the pre, my previous lover. I have been with you since I was 19 years old. Oh, the com, the comedians and that. Oh yeah. I don't know. I remember that. Anyone else, or if I did like we, it wasn't ever nothing impressionable, at least to me, so. Well, yeah, and And same cause I think because we've had chemistry, we've experimented over the years, we've had time to like really.

talk about the nuances of our likes and dislikes and, and all the things that go into our sexual wear. Wellness is, is huge because it started with your solo play, your experimentation like a big, a big part of that. Guys don't have a whole lot of.  in their toolbox in terms of self. I just always thought that men would be really into utilizing toys, but I feel like it could be very intimidating.

So that's why I was very curious to see, cuz I've had friends who, I've had some women who say like, oh yeah, absolutely not. My husband would not, would not allow tears or. Would, yeah. Like, don't wanna use toys, don't wanna use any creams, like not open to any exploration. Hmm. So, and to eha, but Yes. And that's okay too.

Yeah. But I think it's also, it kind of like, you wonder why and when someone doesn't wanna talk about it, it's just kind of like, okay, okay. From, let me try to take myself out of my, my current state and like maybe what that intimidation factor would be. And I think the, the number one thing. Will toys replace you?

Re either replace me or introduce something that I can't recreate versus being like a, a compliment to, yeah. Our sex lives, that's, I've never seen to, I mean, from day one using a vibrator I've never seen. Like orgasms as hard or as consistent and all those things. The, the fact I, I don't wanna, I, I don't wanna misquote the statistic, but I think it's like 70% of women can't come from just penetration alone.

You have to have some type of. Clitoral stimulation. I just saw a video that said we need at least 20 minutes. Like y'all can do like six or seven minutes of sex, but women need at least 20 minutes. We need like a good solid 20 minutes, I think. 20 minutes. And this is foreplay included? Yes, of course. Huh? I don't know.

I mean our, I feel like it like fluctuates. I think our sweet spot is somewhere like 40 minutes. That's like our complete session. That's true. That's like our, but we've done sessions where it. . It's only been 10 minutes. That was great. Yeah. Put the kids down for a nap. Run up 10 minutes, or you gotta run out the door.

Or I got work or something like, mm-hmm. , 10 minute quick, it can get done. But I want you to understand what happens. Usually before that, I'm usually grabbing your ass around the house or touching you or some, something happens. The woes of working from home, something happens prior to that to kind of get things.

before we run upstairs and do that. Whereas in like, let's say we've not seen each other all day, we know is, or intimacy is coming, little bit of foreplay, we're usually in bed, we're calming down, making out like I'm usually eating you or, or you know, orals happening for an extended period of time. I'm making sure like things are properly ready before we, we actually act in like penetra.

Sex. So to end off this, why don't you tell me what is your ideal scenario for foreplay? Oh, foreplay. Oh, that's good. Um, I enjoy, I enjoy deep kissing. That is like the number one if you want to guarantee like it is going to start off just rocks A blaz. Deep kissing is the thing that gets me every.  and it's like, because I, it brings kind of like the passion into it and regardless of what type of sex we're having, rough or love making or whatever, you know, whatever the case may be, if it starts there, it secures like the rest of it.

I don't know if it's love making anymore. No. In a sense of like a traditional love. No. Like it used, used to be. No. It used to be good. Love making sessions. It's been rather rough lately, but I think it's just a preference for both of us. Anyways, I, I go, I leaned towards, no, yesterday was like really slow and intimate until you said, you know, fuck me.

And then it was just like, well, that went out the window. . You gotta warn me if that's what you need. No, no, no. I'm, listen, I'm not. How am I, sister? Tell me we're we're great at communicating in the moment. That was not one of those moments where I was like, okay, no, I said love making. No, absolutely not. No. I like the dynamic that we can switch gears literally at any point in time.

Like we can start with love making. I didn't know it was gonna be a love making session. I, I didn't, man. I kind of turned off the TV and like I was ready to go to bed and then took off my underwear and groped my ass, which is really nice. I think that's my favorite. Woke I woke up. Oh yeah. And you turned around and be like, I'm really horny.

And then I was like, I didn't even say anything. I didn't say anything. Yes you did. You bubbled something. You were like, I'm horny. And then I was like, I was sleep. I was. Is that what you said in your dream? Apparently. So does that work for you? I don't remember. I don't remember having, you just look at me and go, I'm horny, and I go, ok,

I don't remember having a dream in which I could have been horny from the dream. I just woke up, rolled over and went, yeah, I want this right now. Oh. So, okay. And often that's usually how it happens. So unless we have a kiddo, unless we have, yeah. Somebody sneaking in the room to, to, to sleep with us or whatever.

But listen, it, it's, as far as foreplay is concerned, deep kissing, oral always works, right? That usually as long as you like, take your time and like you're, you're not trying to. That, that's the thing. I think a lot of, there's a lot of misconceptions when it comes to giving blow jobs. Okay. Okay. I think maybe there's like a rush of like, let me just like immediately like try to go as as crazy as possible.

You've gotten really good at knowing like the, the cues. Okay. And here's the cues. It's like you won't necessarily like go straight to like blowing me. You'll.  venture around, like, you'll lick, you'll like do gentle kisses, like you'll do things like that that are like enhance the sensation before it actually happens.

Like similarly to like when I lick you sometimes, sometimes I'm ferocious, I can't help it. I'm sorry, . But then sometimes I do the, you know, let me venture around a little bit. Let me do soft kisses. Like I want it to mimic how I, I kiss. , like those type of things. Yeah, that makes sense. Um, I think that's what you're supposed to be doing.

You're supposed to absolutely mimic, like Yeah, I know. You're, you're kissing your lover. Yeah. So like last night for instance, like Yeah. When I rolled over, I was, that was the picture in my mind. I was like, oh, I'm not making out with y your face right now, but I'm gonna make out with your vagina. That was You did That was immediately.

Yeah. And the, I tell you what that is to me, that's great for.  that turns me on, like the oral side of giving and actually feeling your body react to what I'm doing to you is extremely pleasurable for me. I always like a good make out session. I, yeah, I absolutely, I like a good make out session and some teasing.

I like a little, yeah, a little teasing. Mm-hmm. . That's true. I do like, like nice. We incorporate like spanking and stuff like that is really good. You spanking me. I have not spanked you yet, sir. No, I don't care to be spanked. I don. It's just, well, we haven't tried it yet, so we'll have to try it. And you can tell me if you No, when you bite me, like sometimes like super hard, like on that, like even on accident, I'm just like though, Ugh.

I don't like that at all. No, it's, I like the nibble. I don't like the bite when you gimme me. Like the physical bite. It's just like, no, that des, I don't like the distraction of that. Oh man. I know you like that stuff. That's.  and I could deliver it all day. Taking it is not so much . No, I I want you to take it.

No, I, I don't like, no. I'll tell you what you can buy anywhere else. Obviously not, not my dick, and, but just stay away from my ears. I don't know why you always like end up biting. I like nibbling your ears. No, you don't nibble, you bite. . You, you basically, you might Tyson me. Oh man. And it's like these like rules.

Okay. Here's the thing. It'd be great if you had like, just. Regular like choppers? No, you have like, you have like full force. Like I who has regular choppers? I dunno. And what kinda CERs do I have? They're not regular. I dunno. But lemme just, I just gotta say this. You have bitten me so hard. Like I had to check myself and go, oh my bitch, you're not bleeding.

You're so dramatic. I don't know. I don't know because you're so dramatic. I'm not stopping. Yeah, you just say, ow. And then I go, okay, Al should be an apparent, like, I bit too hard. Yeah, I, and then you keep going back. I just like biting you. That's all. That's okay. Anywhere else except the two? The two places probably yes.

You can nibble, but not though. Not the hard bite. Anyways, so this video was just on you telling us one about foreplay and then introducing y'all to some of our toys that we utilize. I mean, we utilize a lot. Yeah. And we have a lot of enhancement creams, but feel free to kind of explore and look around and ask any questions if you do.

Yeah, I'm happy to, to kind of help. No, she's, like I said, she's the subject matter expert of all, like you think these two are the only things. That drawer, like we need a new drawer and an organizer. I think we should have an under the bed drawer. I'm, I'm okay with it. Like one of the ones where I swear they sell it, they have it like where I've tuck, I tuck it underneath.

For how long? The mat, I guess it's just been going in one ear and out the other. Cuz I don't get organized or it wasn't me. If I'm not getting organized, if I can pull out something from under the bed and it's just like neatly organized. Yeah, it's just a drawer that's hidden under the bed. So that way I don't have another.

Session with my mom, awkwardly boom, looking at my drawers. Or God forbid our daughter opens up my drawers and ass back ass bound to happen. What is this? You should do it. And I should have like a little zipper thing on the top. A zipper thing? No, it's just like a, where's just like very easy and then you zip like a drawer and just like flip it open and it's a little pockets.

You're so obsessed. I might need to invent that too. There you go. What would you wanna call it? The coming soon organizer. . I don't know. Yes. All right. That was good. Yeah. All right. That's, that's all you wanna say to him? Yeah, I think that's it. Okay. My, my ending thing would be just go out there and, and fucking experiment cuz it is worth it.

You definitely need to experiment. You don't have anything to lose. You do not. So, and you know what I, I think I've gone by the rules of like, if you, if you don't ask, you'll never know. And that goes for just about anything. It's not just sex. Like if. Don't ever ask. You'll never know. If you don't do, you won't know either.

Yeah, that's true. So you should experiment. Just experiment. Be open to it. Yeah. Worst case scenario, you go, I don't like it. Yep. And then you put it away. Then you, your partner maybe shit out a luck. But you know, that's, no, that's not true.  it, it still opens a conversation and it's. To open the conversation.

That's all. That's all worth it. They say no then if they say no, still worth it because it is worth it cuz you are talking about it. The fact that it's on the table is something you should discuss. Exactly right. You won't regret it. All right, bye. Thank you for tuning in to the mixed Up Live, subscribe and chat with us on Instagram and make sure to follow the adventures on Spotify.

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